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TUNES STUDIO Podcast's and music services

The Steezies
The Steezies is a large, energetic group of musicians with a very particular goal of unifying people from different walks of life. We chat about Ghetto Sessions, a musical endeavor, they helped shaped in order to pursue this goal. Katie and George tells us how the band, very organically emerged and evolved in two years from the two of them making music in their room to a full force Afro/funk/indie band who have graced festival stages such as Up the Creek, STRAB, Splashy Fen, Off the Grid and many more. George helps us to understand the ethos and sound of the band by revealing some of the interesting twists and turns his life journey took from growing up in rural Kwazulu Natal to studying in Scotland. We learn that they share members with Nomadic Orchestra and they also tell us about interesting buddy bands of The Steezies such as Flying Bantu from Zimbabwe and Sounds of the South of Khayelitsha. Download and stream their debut EP, Snorting lines of Turmeric from all major online platforms.

Uncle Spike
Uncle Spike is ‘n band wat ontstaan het in Wilgenhof Universiteits koshuis op Stellenbosch. Ons gesels oor wat dit vir ‘n jong band kan beteken om in ‘n koshuis te operate en hoe hul voorsanger, Francois van Wyk se song “hou my vas” ‘n Ser kompetisie gewen het. Ons chat oor hul DIY ywer en hoe hul gepoog het om hul debuut album self op te neem en hoe laasgenoemde hul baie gehelp het om ‘n goeie produksie voort te sit toe hul saam met bekwame producer, Ben Ludik begin werk het. Ons gesels verder oor interessante inspirasies vanuit verskeie oorde vir die songs op hul debuut album, I in the Sky, sokkie jol gigs en wat mense te wagte kan wees van hul opkomende EP wat by Tunes Studio opgeneem is onder die medewerking van Ben Ludik.

Tanya aka Tuin Schoeman het ‘n draai gegooi op Tunes Live. Ons praat oor waarvandaan kom haar songs en lirieke vir Tuin se album, ‘n Tyd om te laat gaan. Sy vertel van wedervaringe met groot shows soos InniBos Rock Rumoer kompetisie (wat hulle gewen het); ‘n magiese ervaring by STRAB; Oppikoppi gigs en selfs ‘n show by Grand West. Ons chat ook oor lewens struikel blokke; hoe dit gebeur het dat sy ‘n professionele dans loopbaan vir die musiek industrie verruil het en veel meer.
Luister en download haar album hier :
Tunes Live is beskikbaar op iTunes en aflaaibaar vanaf www.tunesstudio.co.za.

Lee Thomson
Lee Thomson is a freelance trumpeter with a degree in Jazz Performance. He played for Hog Hoggidy Hog for more than fifteen years. We spoke about early Hog Days, later years of touring Eastern Europe with the band and eventually getting offered a record deal with Fat Wreck Chords. Lee has worked with a lot of artists across different genres such as Mix & Blend, The Springbok Nude Girls, We Set Sail, Rumswinger, The Tiny Fantastics, Closet Snare and many more. We chatted about Straight No Chaser days,a collaboration with Violent Femmes, playing shows in India, Reunion Islands and Mexico and a lot more.
- Jeandré Pikkie Swanepoel
- Frazer Barry
- Haydn van Rheede
- Willim Welsyn
- Dean Coche and Kent Farmer
- Ben Breda Ludik
- Gustav Franzsen
- Heinrich Wesson
- Basson Laubscher
- Richard Pryor
- Jorik Pienaar
- Southern Wild
- Jaco Goosen
- Hezron Chetty
- Werner von Waltsleben
- Mark Ellis
- Thomas Theron
- Lucas Swart
- Riku Latti
- The Tazers
- Talita Beyl
- Rory Skinner
- Riaan Nieuwenhuis
- Durge
- Chris Kreef
- Temple Yeti
- Churchil Naudé
- Donovan Tose pt. 2
- Donovan Tose
- Luke Smith
- Ethan Florus
- Schalk van der Merwe
- James Lombard
- Andre Skywalker
- Rossouw Wentzel
- Wouter Reyneke
- Justin Versfeld
- Dr. Stephanie Vos
- Tim Lengfeld