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Donovan Tose pt. 2
Part 2 of a in depth conversation with Donovan Tose, the bassist of Mind Assault and Like water. We chatted about boarding school days at the Pioneer School; a terrible vehicle accident; the Fudge benefit festival and Donovan’s friendships with Riaan Smit and George Bacon, among other. Keep an ear out for the new Mind Assault album, it’s gonna be louder than ever before.

Donovan Tose
Donovan Justin Tose is the bassist of Mind Assault. We chatted about the band, Fudge in which myself, Donovan and my brother, Francois Marais jammed in at school. We spoke about the formation of Mind Assault; funny flapper stories; opening for Lamb of God and how Mind Assault should have opened for Metallica; playing a metal festival in Romania in the midst of bands like Soilworks; how Metal for Africa started and much more.

Luke Smith
Luke Smith is die keyboard player in Light & Shade en deesdae jol hy ook saam met Duke Duke in ‘n projek genaamd Groove Digger. Musiek is so diep in Luke in gegrafeer dat hy nie regtig ‘n helder herinnering kan oproep van wanneer sy musieksaadjie ontkiem het nie. Luke vertel ons van sy wedervaringe in Sjina, mense wat nie by hul woord kan hou nie, kerk stories en hoe sy musiekloopbaan basies tot en met 2016 slegs in die kerk uitgespeel het. Hierdie man is uitnemend in nie alleen keyboard speel nie, maar ook drums, bass guitar, guitar en viool en hy tree as tromspeler op in ‘n kersproduksie hierdie Desember.

Ethan Florus
Ethan Florus is ‘n baie talentvolle kitaarspeler, sanger en song writer wat die Wynland Distrik al plat gespeel het met residencies by Balboa, Bohemia en Mystics, asook by wynplase. Sy debuut EP, Windmill is beskikbaar op Google Play Music (https://play.google.com/store/search?q=ethan%20florus&hl=en). Ons chat oor sy studies in Klasieke kitaar by die Universiteit van Stellenbosch; hoe hy dit kombineer met ‘n jazz agtergrond deur ‘n mentor wat hom as kind gespot het as ‘n great alent; lyrical themes; song writing en hoe hyoënskynlike negatiwiteite in positiewe dinge omskakel. Tunes Live is beskikbaar op iTunes en kan vanaf www.tunesstudio.co.za afgelaai word.
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- Donovan Tose pt. 2
- Donovan Tose
- Luke Smith
- Ethan Florus
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